10 Preschool Classroom Organization Hacks

Preschool classrooms are exciting, but sometimes chaotic places. These hacks will help you keep everything well-organized just in time for school starting:
- Use mason jars to store crayons and other items where you can locate everything without a lot of rummaging around when you're already busy with your class.
- Put your lesson plans in binders for handy reference and consider keeping a separate binder for substitute teachers to use so they're on the same page with you while you're out.
- Use some neon-colored stickers to easily categorize the books in your classroom's library. Younger children are usually more responsive to categorizing by colors.
- If you use plastic tubs to store classroom supplies, consider having a tub set aside to store things where a substitute teacher can access them easily and save a lot of time.
- Attach colorful ribbons to the backs of kids' notebooks to make finding their place a lot easier.
- Add photos of each child to your class list for a handy reference until you learn all the names.
- Categorize all your classroom books to make finding them easier and help kids learn to group things together.
- Put pieces for your games in hangable clear, plastic bags so your class can find everything easily and minimize pieces being lost due to being kept in the box.
- Also, consider having a special container where your class can deposit game pieces so you can sort them into their proper places.
- Keep a bin for assignments that you can have ready to hand out to kids who have missed class recently, so they can keep up to date with everyone else.
An organized preschool classroom will lead to kids being that much happier when they're in class and help them get more out of their lessons every day, a win-win situation all around.