Acceptance Of Each Other

Acceptance Of Each Other

As teachers, we don't want any of our students to have a Valentines Day like Charlie Brown's. The poor unfortunate guy didn't receive any Valentine's Day cards or candy. We want everyone to be kind to one another and get lots of goodies on that day in particular. St. Valentines Day is an opportune time to teach social inclusiveness and acceptance.

It can be a challenge to convey a good understanding of these concepts, especially to preschool children. Preschoolers will look to you, their teacher, for cues to determine how to treat each other, so you will have to wholeheartedly practice what you teach.

There are many opportunities available to foster these principles of acceptance during the day to day activities of the classroom environment. Since preschoolers have yet to master the rudimentary abilities of writing, coloring, counting, etc. the most utilized tools for teaching will be oral discussions and tangible demonstrations. You will have to lead and encourage them to follow. In other words, you will have to be your own best example.

Do activities that involve visual aids that can help them to understand that objects can be similar and have unique differences simultaneously. For example, you could have two children stand side by side, then discuss the obvious similarities and differences between them. Emphasizing that although they have differences they are still part of the same grouping.

You could present simple scenarios that can help them to understand different emotions (happy, sad, angry,etc.). It'll take a little bit if creativity for this activity, but it will help them to understand and develop empathy for others.

Help them to identify the different aspects of friendships, and what it means to be a good friend. Discuss with them the benefits related to sharing, working together, and helping one another. Emphasize that people can be friends even though they are different.

Remember to keep the activities simple. Be open to answering any questions that the children may have.

Be sure to take advantage of any and all teachable moments that you can.

preschool curriculum | teaching preschool | curriculum for preschoolers

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