Developing Classroom Routine Helps Preschoolers Thrive

Children flourish when they are well versed in their daily routines. This allows them to act somewhat independently and they greatly enjoy the responsibility of being trusted when they prove they’re able to operate within certain boundaries. A child learns those boundaries through routine and consistency. Conversely, when chaos is allowed a child can have a difficult time controlling themselves and learning. They will test boundaries, and this can create havoc in a preschool classroom.
Developing social and mental discipline at the preschool age begins the foundation to prepare them for success at later stages in their lives. It can help lessen the shock of entering kindergarten and being expected to immediately follow a strict daily agenda instead of doing things at the whim of a parent or other care giver in an informal setting. Routine also decreases a certain amount of bargaining between child and caregiver since they are clearly informed of expectations.
By utilizing a preschool curriculum consistent with the 2017 NAEYC requirements, such as that offered by The Learning Box Preschool, structure can be introduced into your classroom routine. Each month our boxes offer consistent tools that are age appropriate to help educate your students. Your students will become familiar and look forward to the routines offered for studying letters, numbers, counting, shapes, patterns, sight words, arts and crafts and more! The kits offered by The Learning Box Preschool offer routine which will help you take command of your classroom, offer an environment conducive to learning, relieve the pressure and save time of you developing monthly curriculum as well as teach students an ethic that will allow them to thrive throughout their lives. Our curriculum is user friendly. We provide step by step easy to follow instructions that will not intimidate first time teachers while at the same time will satisfy those who teach professionally.
preschool curriculum | preschool | classroom routine | curriculum for preschoolers