Keeping Your Allergy Kids Safe At Preschool

Keeping Your Allergy Kids Safe At Preschool

It is imperative to keep children safe from the allergies that afflict them. With very young children who don’t understand the dangers, extra precautions must be in place to ensure their well-being.

It is essential to communicate with every staff member so they are aware of the imposing dangers facing the child. Specific information must be exchanged as not all allergies are the same.

For instance, if a child has celiac disease, they may not become sick right away after eating gluten. A peanut allergy however, can produce an immediate anaphylactic reaction. Staff meetings and daily reports are good ways to reiterate the facts and make sure everyone is up to date.

It’s important to have in-depth discussions with parents as well. They will need to give information about their child’s history as it relates to the allergy. How long have they had it? Have there been any past reactions? How did the child respond? Were they ever hospitalized for it? Are they on any medications, or should any be given after the accidental consumption of an allergen? It’s also necessary to collaborate with the parent on the appropriate plan of action should their child have a reaction.

Another way to ensure safety is to make sure specific policies and procedures are in place. Policies can vary depending on the school.

Some good ones are mandatory staff education, no unsupervised snacks or meals, and no sharing food. Staff members also need to be cautious about their own food they bring in and whether or not it’s a potential danger.

Many schools have heard of fire drills, but instituting allergy drills is also a good idea. Each staff member also needs to know emergency procedures for a child having a reaction. They should know if they need to call 911, call the caregiver or administer emergency medication.

Having zero tolerance for allergic reactions lets parents and teachers know that students safety is a top priority.

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