Keeping Your Preschool Kids Safe Outdoors

Here comes the sun, and we couldn't be happier about getting preschool kids back outside to play. With with warmer weather comes challenges, so be sure to use our tips to keep your preschool kids safe and happy.
Do playground spring cleaning.
You don't need to sweep and dust, but spring is a great time to check equipment for winter weather damage. Tighten up swing set bolts, add a new mulch, and check grass for any sharp objects that may have blown in from spring storms. Walk along the fence to make sure the boundary is still secure to keep kids in and strangers out.
Add sunscreen to the routine.
When Mr. Sun is out to play, little faces can get burned even if the day doesn't feel hot. Remind parents to send sunscreen and write it into your daily schedule so kids expect it and teachers won't forget. Apply before you go out each day and reapply if you'll be out for more than an hour or come back out later.
Prep your boo-boo box.
It's time to re-stock the first-aid kit with colorful bandages and anti-biotic cream. You can't prevent the scrapes and cuts that come with spring, but you can be ready to treat them.
Request the right outfit.
Send home a note to parents letting them know closed toed shoes and play clothes are best for outdoor play. Your preschool kids will be running, jumping, and exploring, and we want to minimize trips or tumbles. You probably talked about it at the start of the year, but change of wardrobe is a good time for a gentle reminder.
Build spring safety into your lesson plan.
Talk with the kids about safe outdoor play early and often. We know preschool kids thrive on repetition and they love reminding each other about rules!
Follow these tips and your preschool kids will have a safe and happy spring.
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