What is NAEYC?

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a professional organization dedicated to research, policy, and practice that supports high-quality childhood education from birth to age 8. One of the primary NAEYC initiatives is the accreditation of early childhood education programs. To receive NAEYC accreditation, an important measure of quality, a program must demonstrate excellence in 10 quality standards.
1) Relationships
The program must promote positive relationships among adults and children and provide a warm, welcoming environment that supports each child's personal growth.
2) Curriculum
NAEYC does not recommend a specific curriculum but requires use of a written program that promotes social, physical, emotional, language, and cognitive learning and development.
3) Teaching
The program must use developmentally appropriate teaching methods that include a variety of carefully supervised activities.
4) Assessment of Child Progress
Developmentally appropriate assessment methods are used and progress regularly reported to parents.
5) Health
Teachers have training in first aid and adhere to best safety practices.
6) Staff Competencies, Preparation, and Support
The teachers and staff have specific training and qualifications in early childhood development and receive ongoing education opportunities.
7) Families
Collaborative relationships with the children's families are nurtured with active participation encouraged.
8) Community Relationships
Children are exposed to community resources such as parks, libraries, and museums as part of the curriculum.
9) Physical Environment
Children are safe and well-supervised in the school environment.
10) Leadership and Management
Administrators are educated and licenses. Policies and procedures are written and shared with families.
Learning Box Preschool has designed a professionally developed early learning program that is consistent with the 2017 NAEYC requirements. We meet or exceed all guidelines listed. These building blocks guide our curriculum development for children ages 3- 5 years old. Along with ongoing state standard alignments, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards and foundational principles possible, to ensure a quality early education for your children.