Why You Should Not Rely on Free Preschool Curriculum

Can the three or four-year-olds in your group, class, or family recognize their letters, colors, and numbers? Do you realize that this age is an absolutely critical formation point in a child's life? This is why it is imperative to find and use a properly engaging and pedagogically researched preschool curriculum. Learning Box Preschool curriculum is all of that. We offer a structured, productive and affordable formatted preschool curriculum.
The critical period hypothesis (CPH) states that the first few years of every child's life is the time during which language concepts develop most readily. Even after the age of five years, language acquisition becomes more difficult and less successful. If that statement is relevant to language, other preschool concepts such as counting, identifying colors, concepts and other information is likely to follow the same pattern.
Hence, The Learning Box Preschool curriculum producers have come to realize that these critical formative years of ages 3 - 5 are too important to miss an opportunity to ingrain not only language but also myriad other academic and general life skills into our youngsters. We feel strongly that free materials offered by others are not as successful and comprehensive as they should be. It is imperative to have a voice in what your preschooler(s) are absorbing during these most critical years of their young lives.
Our products are:
- Consistent with 2017 NAEYC requirements
- Affordable
- Time-saving
- Versatile depending on Teaching Environment
- User-friendly
- Written by a team of experienced educatros
- Unique and creative
Therefore, whether you are a special education teacher, a daycare or private preschool teacher, or a homeschooling parent, allow us a chance to make your life much easier! Take a quick visit to this website. Our curriculum comes shipped to you in an efficiently budgeted and planned compact box designed for your student's or children's particular age group. Then, you can do what you love to do: teach!
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