Texas State Alignment
Learning Box Preschool Curriculum Alignment with the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines (Updated 2015)
Download PDFSocial and Emotional Domain
A. Self Concept Skills
48 Months to End of Prekindergarten Year Outcomes
Child is building competence in controlling own body movements (such as balancing, sitting still, starting and stopping in response to requests).
I.A.1. Child is aware of where own body is in space and respects personal boundaries.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 3.3 Cooperates within shared space
PD 2.1 Displays balance and coordination
M 3.2 Comprehends positions in space
Child can identify own physical characteristics and indicate some likes and dislikes when prompted.
I.A.2. Child shows self-awareness and can express pride in age appropriate abilities and skills.
I.A.1. Child is aware of where own body is in space and respects personal boundaries.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 1.1 Aware of thoughts, needs, and feelings of self and others
AL 4.2 Displays a Positive attitude
SE 1.2 Demonstrates confidence
Child may overestimate or underestimate own abilities
I.A.3. Child shows reasonable opinion of his own abilities and limitations.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 1.1 Aware of thoughts, needs, and feelings of self and others
Child shows initiative in trying new activities, but may not persist in solving problem.
I.A.4. Child shows initiative in independent situations and persists in attempting to solve problems.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
AL 3.4 Initiates learning
AL 2.1 Ability to participate for longer periods of time
AL 3.2 Asks questions and solves problems
B. Self-Regulation Skills
Child follows simple rules and routines when assisted by adults.
I.B.1.a. Child follows classroom rules and routines with occasional reminders from teacher.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
AL 5.3 Follows Directions
SE 3.0 Shows flexibility within routines
SE 2.2 Cooperates
Child is able to manage a small number of materials with support.
I.B.1.b. Child takes care of and manages classroom materials.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 3.5 Accepts responsibility
Child needs adult guidance to help manage her behavior.
I.B.1.c. Child regulates his own behavior with occasional reminders or assistance from teacher.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 4.5 Manages emotions appropriately
AL 4.2 Displays a positive attitude
Child recognizes and expresses a range of emotions/feelings.
I.B.2.a. Child begins to understand difference and connection between emotions/feelings and behaviors.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 1.1 Aware of thoughts, needs, and feelings of self and others
Child becomes familiar with basic feeling words (happy, sad, mad, scared).
I.B.2.b. Child can communicate basic emotions/feelings.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 1.1 Aware of thoughts, needs, and feelings of self and others
LL 6.1 Participates in conversations
Child needs adult assistance to modulate level of emotional intensity.
I.B.2.c. Child is able to increase or decrease intensity of emotions more consistently, although adult guidance is sometimes necessary.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 1.1 Aware of thoughts, needs, and feelings of self and others
SE 4.1 Manages emotions properly
Child focuses attention on one task at a time but may not stay with it to completion.
I.B.3.a. Child sustains attention to personally chosen or routine (teacher-directed) tasks until completed.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
AL 2.1 Ability to participate for longer periods of time
SE 3.1 Maintains focus
Child sits and listens to stories and/or participates in large group activities for up to 10–15 minutes at a time.
I.B.3.b. Child remains focused on engaging group activities for up to 20 minutes at a time.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
AL 2.1 Ability to participate for longer periods of time
LL 5.2 Listens for understanding and responds appropriately
SE 3.1 Maintains focus
C. Relationships with Others
Child forms positive relationships with teachers.
I.C.1. Child uses effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills to build relationships with teachers/adults.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 2.1 Makes positive social connections
AL 5.1 Initiates social interactions
AL 2.2 Communicates verbally or through body language
Child feels comfortable and confident within classroom environment.
I.C.2. Child assumes various roles and responsibilities as part of a classroom community.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
AL 4.2 Displays a positive attitude
SS 2.1 Understands citizenship and responsibilities
SS 1.1 Identifies personal and family roles within their community
AL 4.3 Freedom to explore ideas with others
SE 1.2 Demonstrates confidence
Child shows interest in peer play but may be less skilled (or lack confidence) initiating and joining a group.
I.C.3. Child shows competence in initiating social interactions.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
AL 5.1 Initiates social interactions
Child enjoys parallel and associative play with peers.
I.C.4. Child increasingly interacts and communicates with peers to initiate pretend play scenarios that share a common plan and goal.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
AL 5.2 Participates in “shared” thinking
LL 6.1 Participates in conversations
CE 4.1 Participates in dramatic play
Child seeks adult help when experiencing conflicts with another child.
I.C.5. Child initiates problem-solving strategies and seeks adult help when necessary.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
AL 3.1 Demonstrates a desire to seek out information
AL 5.1 Initiates social interactions
AL 3.2 Asks questions and problem solves
Child responds with concern when a child or adult is distressed.
I.C.6. Child demonstrates empathy and caring for others.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 1.1 Aware of thoughts, needs, and feelings, of self and others
SE 2.3 Shows empathy for others
Child interacts with playmates and may have preferred friends.
I.C.7. Child interacts with a variety of playmates and may have preferred friends.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 2.1 Makes positive social connections
AL 5.1 Initiates social interactions
SE 1.1 Aware of thoughts, needs, and feelings, of self and others
D. Social Awareness Skills
Child is interested in other people and their feelings.
I.D.1. Child demonstrates an understanding that others have perspectives and feelings that are different from her own.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 1.1 Aware of thoughts, needs, and feelings, of self and others
SS 1.2 Examines diversity, culture, and traditions
Language and Communication
A. Listening Comprehension Skills
Child responds to situations in ways that demonstrate he understands what has been said.
II.A.1. Child shows understanding by responding appropriately.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 4.1 Manages emotions appropriately
LL 5.2 Listens for understanding and responds appropriately
Child follows simple single step requests.
II.A.2. Child shows understanding by following two-step oral directions and usually follows three-step directions. Child shows understanding by following one to two-step oral directions in English.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
II.A.2. Child shows understanding by following two-step oral directions and usually follows three-step
directions. Child shows understanding by following one to two-step oral directions in English.
Child demonstrates understanding of following classroom routines.
II.A.3. Child shows understanding of the language being spoken by teachers and peers. Child shows understanding of the new language being spoken by English-speaking teachers and peers.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 5.2 Listens for understanding and responds appropriately
AL 2.2 Communicates verbally or through body language
Language and Communication Domain
D. Vocabulary Skills
Child joins in songs and finger plays.
II.C.3. Child investigates and demonstrates growing understanding of the sounds and intonation of language. Child investigates and demonstrates growing understanding of the sounds and intonation of the English language
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
CE 1.1 Participates and appreciates music
LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words
Child understands and uses accepted words for objects, actions, and attributes.
II.D.1. Child uses a wide variety of words to label and describe people, places, things, and actions. Child responds to instructional language of the classroom.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 4.1 Builds meaning of words
ELD 1.1 Demonstrates progress in English Comprehension
SLL 5.3 Shares stories or information
II.D.2. Child demonstrates understanding of terms used in the instructional language of the classroom.
Child shows understanding of many words and a steady increase in vocabulary.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 4.1 Builds meaning of words
II.D.3. Child demonstrates understanding in a variety of ways or knowing the meaning of 3,000 to 4,000 words*, many more than he or she uses. Child learning English as a second language comprehends up to 1,000 words (ELL hild will comprehend many more words than he or she uses.).
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 4.1 Builds meaning of words
II.D.5. Child increases listening vocabulary and begins to develop vocabulary of object names and common phrases.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 4.1 Builds meaning of words
Child participates through actions to begin to develop common object names and phrases.
II.D.6. Child increases listening vocabulary and begins to develop vocabulary of object names and common phrases in English.(ELL)
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 4.1 Builds meaning of words
ELD 1.1 Demonstrates progress in English comprehension
E. Sentences and Sentence Structure
Child uses simple sentences of three to four words to express needs.
II.E.1. Child typically uses complete sentences of four or more words and grammatical complexity usually with subject, verb, and object order.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 1.0 Aware of thoughts, needs, and feelings of self and others
LL 4.2 Uses age appropriate grammar
Child may over generalize grammatical rules.
II.E.2. Child uses regular and irregular plurals, regular past tense, personal and possessive pronouns, and subject-verb agreement.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
L 4.2 Uses age appropriate grammar
Child links two ideas together by combining sentences
II.E.3. Child uses sentences with more than one phrase.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
ELD 4.1 Demonstrates progress in English comprehension
LL 6.1 Participates in conversation
LL 6.2 Shares stories and/or information
LL 3.2 Understands that letters and words have meaning
Child uses simple sentence structures with usually one idea.
II.E.4. Child combines more than one idea using complex sentences.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
ELD Participates in conversational English
LL 6.1 Participates in conversations
LL 6.2 Shares stories and/or information
LL 3.2 Understands that letters and words have meaning
Child understands and uses increasingly longer sentences.
II.E.5. Child combines sentences that give lots of detail, sticks to the topic, and clearly communicates intended meaning.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
ELD 4.1 Demonstrates progress in English comprehension
LL 6.1 Participates in conversations
LL 6.2 Shares stories and/or information
LL 3.2 Understands that letters and words have meaning
Child understands and uses increasingly longer sentences.
II.E.6. Child engages in various forms of nonverbal communication with those who do not speak her native language.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
AL 2.0 Communicates verbally or through body language
LL 6.1 Participates in conversation
LL 6.2 Shares stories and/or information
LL 3.2 Understands that letters and words have meaning
ELD 4.1 Demonstrates progress in English comprehension
Child understands and uses increasingly longer sentences.
II.E.7. Child uses single words and simple phrases to communicate meaning in social situations.
II.E.8. Child attempts to use new vocabulary and grammar in speech.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 4.1 Builds meaning of words
LL 4.2 Uses age appropriate grammar
SE 3.4 Initiates learning
Emergent Literacy-Reading Domain
A. Motivation to Read Skills
Child enjoys being read to and knows when a favorite story has a part left out.
III.A.1. Child engages in pre-reading and reading-related activities.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
ELD 1.1 Demonstrates progress in English comprehension
LL 5.1 Responds to text
LL 5.2 Listens for understanding and responds appropriately
ELD 1.2 Comprehends and participates in ELD activities
Child enjoys looking at books and telling a story from the pictures or from memory.
III.A.2. Child self-selects books and other written materials to engage in pre-reading behaviors.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
ELD 1.1 Demonstrates progress in English comprehension
LL 5.1 Responds to text
LL 5.2 Listens for understanding and responds appropriate
LL 2.1 Shows understanding of print conventions
AL 1.1 Uses imagination and creativity to create new ideas or extend understanding
ELD 1.2 Comprehends and participates in ELD activities
Child notices environmental print and connects meaning to it.
III.A.3. Child recognizes that text has meaning
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 6.2 Shares stories and information
LL 8.2 Aware that print can be written down and read
LL 3.1 Identifies letters and words
B. Phonological Awareness Skills
Note: Phonological awareness is just beginning to develop between the ages of 36 and 60 months.
Children should be engaged in listening to books, poems, nursery rhymes, and songs that feature rhyme and alliteration.
III.B.1. Child separates a normally spoken four-word sentence into individual words.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words
Child understands and uses increasingly longer sentences.
II.E.5. Child combines sentences that give lots of detail, sticks to the topic, and clearly communicates intended meaning.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
ELD 4.1 Demonstrates progress in English comprehension
LL 6.1 Participates in conversations
LL 6.2 Shares stories and/or information
LL 3.2 Understands that letters and words have meaning
III.B.2. Child combines words to make a compound word.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 3.1 Identifies letters and words
III.B.4. Child blends syllables into words
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 3.1 Identifies letters and words
III.B.5. Child can segment a syllable from a word.
Child can distinguish when two words rhyme.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words
LL 3.1 Identifies letters and words
III.B.6. Child can recognize rhyming words.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words
Child can distinguish when two words begin with the same sound.
III.B.7. Child can produce a word that begins with the same sound as a given pair of words.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words
LL 3.1 Identifies letters and words
III.B.8. Child blends onset (initial consonant or consonants) and rime (vowel to end) to form a familiar
one-syllable word with and without pictorial support.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 3.1 Identifies letters and words
LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words
III.B.9. Child recognizes and blends spoken phonemes into one syllable words with pictorial support.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words
C. Alphabet Knowledge Skills
Child names the first letter of his or her name.
III.C.1. Child names at least 20 upper and at least 20 lower case letters in the language of instruction. Child identifies the letter associated with the sound of the first letters of his name.
III.B.1. Child separates a normally spoken four-word sentence into individual words.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words
LL 3.1 Identifies letters and words
III.C.2. Child recognizes at least 20 distinct letter sounds in the language of instruction.
Child produces the correct sound for the first letter of his name.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 3.1 Identifies letters and words
LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words
III.C.3. Child produces at least 20 distinct letter sound correspondences in the language of instruction.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 3.1 Identifies letters and words LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words
D. Comprehension of Text Read Aloud Skills
Child interacts with a story as it is being read aloud.
III.D.1. Child retells or re-enacts a story after it is read aloud.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 5.1 Responds to text
LL 5.2 Listens for understanding and responds appropriately
LL 7.1 Enjoys reading
LL 7.2 Participates in reading
CE 4.1 Participates in dramatic play
Child interacts with books by describing what is seen/read in the book.
III.D.2. Child uses information learned from books by describing, relating, categorizing, or comparing and contrasting.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words
LL 7.1 Enjoys reading
LL 7.2 Participates in reading
LL 5.1 Responds to text
LL 5.2 Listens for understanding and responds appropriately
LL 5.3 Compare and contrast
LL 6.1 Shares stories and/or information
Child asks and answers age-appropriate questions about the book.
III.D.3. Child asks and responds to questions relevant to the text read aloud.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 5.1 Responds to text
LL 5.2 Listens for understanding and responds appropriately
III.D.4. Child will make inferences and predictions about text.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 5.1 Responds to text
LL 5.2 Listens for understanding and responds appropriately
LL 5.3 Compare and contrast
E. Print Concepts
Child understands that illustrations and print carry meaning.
III.E.1 Child can distinguish between elements of print including letters, words, and pictures.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 2.1 Shows understanding of print conventions
LL 3.1 Identifies letters and words
LL 3.2 Understands that letters and words have meaning
Child imitates actions that demonstrate that text progresses across pages.
III.E.2 Child demonstrates understanding of print directionality including left to right and top to bottom.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 2.1 Shows understanding of print conventions
III.E.3 Child can identify some conventional features of print that communicate meaning including end punctuation and case.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 2.1 Shows understanding of print conventions
Emergent Literacy-Writing Domain
A. Motivation to Write Skills
Child engages in free drawing and writing activities.
IV.A.1. Child intentionally uses marks, letters, or symbols to record language and verbally shares meaning.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 8.2 Understands that words can be written down and read
LL 6.2 Shares stories or information
Child spontaneously “writes” in different situations.
IV.A.2 Child independently writes to communicate his/her ideas for a variety of purposes.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 8.2 Understands that words can be written down and read
LL 6.2 Shares stories and/or information
B. Writing as a Process
Child verbally shares ideas and/or tells stories associated with marks on paper.
IV.B.1. Child discusses and contributes ideas for drafts composed in whole/small group writing activities.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 8.2 Understands that words can be written down and read
LL 6.2 Shares stories and/or information
LL 6.1 Participates in conversations
AL 5.2 Participates in “shared” thinking
Child notices when an adult does not repeat or dictate his spoken language accurately.
IV.B. 2. Child interacts and provides suggestions to revise (add, take out, change order) and edit (conventions) class-made drafts.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
AL 5.1 Initiates social interactions
LL 6.2 Shares stories or information
Child shows written products to others.
IV. B.3 Child shares and celebrates class-made and individual written products.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
AL 5.1 Initiates social interactions
LL 6.2 Shares stories and/or information
SE 1.2 Demonstrates confidence
C. Conventions in Writing
Child records own name in whatever manner she is able.
IV.C.1. Child writes own name (first name or frequent nickname) using legible letters in proper sequence.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 8.1 Writes letters, words, and name
PD 3.2 Manipulates varied objects
Child spontaneously “writes” in various ways.
IV. C. 2 Child moves from scribbles to some letter-sound correspondence using beginning and ending sounds when writing.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 1.1 Demonstrates understanding of sounds, rhyme, and patterns in letters and words.
LL 8.1 Writes letters, words, and name
PD 3.2 Manipulates varied objects
Child uses letter-like forms and actual letters to replace scribbles.
IV.C.3 Child independently uses letters to make words or parts of words.
Child may use directionality based on a random starting place.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 8.1 Writes letters, words, and name
PD 3.2 Manipulates varied objects
IV. C 4. Child uses appropriate directionality when writing (top to bottom, left to right).
Child notices print and realizes that print is what is read rather than the picture.
Child may use directionality based on a random starting place.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 2.1 Shows understanding of print conventions
LL 8.2 Aware that words can be written down and read
IV.C.5. Child begins to experiment with punctuation when writing.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 8.3 Begins to show awareness of punctuation
Mathematics Domain
A. Counting Skills
Child identifies objects.
V.A.1. Child knows that objects, or parts of an object, can be counted.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities
M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships
Child recites number words in order up to
10. V.A.2. Child uses words to rote count from 1 to 30.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities
M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships
Child counts up to 4 objects with one count per item.
V.A.3. Child counts 1– 10 items, with one count per item.
Child may use directionality based on a random starting place.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities
M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships
Child identifies items that can be counted.
V.A.4. Child demonstrates that the order of the counting sequence is always the same, regardless of what is counted.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities
M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships
Child counts up to 4 items, and demonstrates understanding that the last count indicates how many items were counted.
V.A.5. Child counts up to 10 items and demonstrates that the last count indicates how many items were counted.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities
M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships
Child begins to understand that items can be counted.
V.A.6. Child demonstrates understanding that when counting, the items can be chosen in any order.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities
M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships
M 4.1 Compares and orders
Child demonstrates proper use of the word “first.”
V.A.7. Child uses the verbal ordinal terms.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities
M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships
Child verbally identifies without counting the number of objects from 1 to 3.
V.A.8. Child verbally identifies, without counting, the number of objects from 1 to 5.
Child recognizes one-digit numerals 1–4.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities
M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships
V.A.9. Child recognizes one-digit numerals, 0–9.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities
M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships
B. Adding Too/Taking Away Skills
Child understands that adding one or more concrete objects to a set will increase the number of objects in the set.
V.B.1. Child uses concrete objects, creates pictorial models and shares a verbal word problem for adding up to 5 objects.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships M 5.1 Solves mathematical problems
Child understands that taking away one or more objects from a set will decrease the number of objects in the set.
V.B.2. Child uses concrete models or makes a verbal word problem for subtracting 0–5 objects from a set.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships M 5.1 Solves mathematical problems
Child identifies two groups of objects placed side-by-side as being equal or non-equal.
V.B.3. Child uses informal strategies to separate up to 10 items into equal groups.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 1.1 Understand and identifies numbers and quantities M 1.2 Identifies operations and number relationships M 5.1 Solves mathematical problems
C. Gemoetry and Spatial Sense Skills
Child identifies objects.
Child recognizes common shapes.
V.C.1. Child names common shapes.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 3.1 Identifies Shapes
Child manipulates shapes using fine and gross motor skills.
V.C.2. Child creates shapes.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 3.1 Identifies shapes
PD 3.1 Controls small muscle movement
PD 3.2 Manipulates varied objects
Child begins to use language to describe location of objects.
V.C.3. Child demonstrates use of location words (such as “over,” “under,” “above,” “on,” “beside,” “next to,” “between,” “in front of,” “near,” “far,” etc.).
Child may use directionality based on a random starting place.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 3.2 Comprehends positions in space
LL 6.2 Shares stories or information
Child moves objects during informal play.
V.C.4. Child slides, flips, and turns shapes to demonstrate that the shapes remain the same.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 3.2 Comprehends positions in space
AL 1.2 Can visualize a solution
LL 6.2 Shares stories or information
D. Measurement Skills
Child understands that lengths of objects can vary and be compared.
V.D.1. Child recognizes and compares heights or lengths of people or objects.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 4.2 Measures
Child begins to recognize how much can be placed within an object.
V.D.2. Child recognizes how much can be placed within an object.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 4.2 Measures
Child understands that weights of objects can vary and be compared.
V.D.3. Child informally recognizes and compares weights of objects or people.
Child shows awareness of the passage of time.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 4.1 Compares and orders
M 4.2 Measures
V.D.4. Child uses language to describe concepts associated with the passing of time.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
LL 6.2 Shares stories and/or information
M4.2 Measures
E. Classification and Patterns Skills
Child sorts objects that are the same and different.
V.E.1. Child sorts objects that are the same and different into groups and uses language to describe how the groups are similar and different.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 2.1 Classifies and sorts objects
M 4.1 Compares and orders
Child recognizes that data can be organized into a graphic representation.
V.E.2. Child collects data and organizes it in a graphic representation.
Child begins to recognize patterns.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 2.1 Follows and creates simple patterns
M 4.1 Compares and orders
M 1.1 Understands and identifies numbers and quantities
V.E.3. Child recognizes and creates patterns.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 2.1 Follows and creates simple patterns
Science Domain
A. Physical Science Skills
VI.A.1. Child observes, investigates describes, and discusses properties and characteristics of common objects
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 4.1 Recognizes physical properties of objects and material
S 1.1 Engages in observation and investigation
S 1.2 Makes predictions and describes outcomes
LL 6.3 Shares stories and information
VI.A.2. Child observes, investigates describes and discusses position and motion of objects.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 4.1 Recognizes physical properties of objects and material
S1.1 Engages in observation and investigation
S 1.2 Makes predictions and describes outcomes
LL 6.3 Shares stories and/or information
VI.A.3. Child uses simple measuring devices to learn about objects.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
M 4.2 Measures and/or estimates
PD 3.2 Manipulates varied objects
VI.A.4. Child observes investigates describes and discusses sources of energy including light, heat, and electricity.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 4.1 Recognizes physical properties of objects and material S 1.1 Engages in observation and investigation S 1.2 Makes predictions and describes outcomes LL 6.3 Shares stories and information
B. Life Science Skills
VI.B.1. Child observes, investigates, describes and discusses the characteristics of organisms.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 3.1 Understands characteristics of living things
S 1.1 Engages in observation and investigation
S 1.2 Makes predictions and describes outcomes
LL 6.3 Shares stories and information
VI.B.2. Child describes life cycles of organisms.
VII.D.2. Child recites the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag and the state flag and observes a moment of silence*.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 3.1 Understands characteristics of living things
LL 6.3 Shares stories and information
VI.B.3. Child observes, investigates, describes and discusses the relationship of organisms to their environments.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 3.1 Understands characteristics of living things
S 1.1 Engages in observation and investigation
S 1.2 Makes predictions and describes outcomes
LL 6.3 Shares stories and/or information
C. Earth and Space Science Skills
VI.C.1. Child observes, investigates, describes and discusses earth materials, and their properties and uses.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 2.1 Identifies characteristics of Earth’s environment
S 1.1 Engages in observation and investigation
S 1.2 Makes predictions and describes outcomes
LL 6.3 Shares stories and/or information
VI.C.2. Child identifies, observes, and discusses objects in the sky.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 2.1 Identifies characteristics of Earth’s environment
S 1.1 Engages in observation and investigation
S 1.2 Makes predictions and describes outcomes
LL 6.3 Shares stories and/or information
VI.C.3. Child observes and describes what happens during changes in the earth and sky.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 2.1 Identifies characteristics of Earth’s environment
S 1.1 Engages in observation and investigation
S 1.2 Makes predictions and describes outcomes
LL 6.3 Shares stories and/or information
V1.C.4 Child demonstrates the importance of caring for our environment and our planet
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 2.1 Identifies characteristics of Earth’s environment
SS 4.3 Shows concern for the environment
SS 2.1 Understands citizenship and responsibilities
Social Studies Domain
A. People, Past and Present Skills
Child identifies objects.
VII.A.1. Child identifies similarities and differences between himself, classmates and other children inclusive of specific characteristics and cultural influence.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SS 1.2 Examines diversity, culture, and traditions
LL 5.3 Compares and contrasts
VII.A.2. Child identifies similarities and differences in characteristics of families.
VII.A.3. Child connects their life to events, time, and routines.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SS 1.1 Identifies personal and family roles within the community
LL 5.3 Compares and contrasts
SS 5.1 Shows interest in personal and family history
SS 5.2 Shows interest and shares past, current, and future events
B. Economic Skills
VII.B.1. Child demonstrates that all people need food, clothing, and shelter.
Child may use directionality based on a random starting place.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SE 1.0 Aware of thoughts, needs, and feelings, of self and others
VII.B. 2. Child demonstrates understanding of what it means to be a consumer.
VII.B.3. Child discusses the roles and responsibilities of family, school, and community helpers.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SS 3.1 Understands roles and occupations
SS 3.2 Understands the role of money in society
C. Geography Skills
Vll.C.1. Child identifies and creates common features in the natural environment
VII.C.2. Child explores geography tools and resources..
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SS 4.1 Comprehends and compares characteristics of the local area
SS 4.2 Develops mapping skills
D. Citizenship Skills
VII.D.1. Child identifies flags of the United States and Texas.
VII.D.2. Child recites the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag and the state flag and observes a moment of silence*.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SS 2.1 Understands citizenship and responsibility
VII.D.3. The child engages in voting as a method for group decision-making.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
SS 2.1 Understands citizenship and responsibility
Fine Arts Domain
A. Art Skills
VIII.A.1. Child uses a variety of art materials and activities for sensory experience and exploration.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
CE 3.1 Communicates through visual arts
VIII.A.2. Child uses art as a form of creative self-expression and representation.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
CE 3.1 Communicates through visual arts
VIII.A.3. Child demonstrates interest in and shows appreciation for the creative work of others.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
CE 3.1 Communicates through visual arts
AL 5.1 Initiates social interactions
SE 2.1 Makes positive social interaction
B. Music Skills
VIII.B.1. Child participates in classroom music activities including singing, playing musical instruments, and moving to rhythms.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
CE 1.1 Participates and appreciates music
M 2.1 Follows and creates simple patterns
PD 3.2 Manipulates varied objects
PD 2.1 Displays balance and coordination
PD 2.2 Uses locomotor skills
VIII.B.2. Child responds to different musical styles through movement and play.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
CE 1.1 Participates and appreciates music
C. Dramatic Expression Skills
VIII.C.1. Child creates or recreates stories, moods, or experiences through dramatic representations.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
CE 4.1 Participates in dramatic play
LL 6.1 Shares stories and/or information
AL 1.1 Uses imagination and creativity to create new ideas or extend understanding
Physical Development Domain
A. Gross Motor Development
Child has mastered basic skills of running, jumping, climbing, and pedaling.
IX.A.1. Child demonstrates coordination and balance in isolation (may not yet coordinate consistently with a partner).
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
PD 2.1 Displays balance and coordination
PD 2.2 Uses locomotor skills
Child engages in movement sequences with adult prompts.
IX.A.2. Child coordinates sequence of movements to perform tasks.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
PD 2.1 Displays balance and coordination
PD 2.2 Uses locomotor skills
B. Fine-Motor Development Skills
Child experiments with a variety of fine-motor tasks but may lack strength and control.
IX.B.1. Child shows control of tasks that require small-muscle strength and control.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
PD 3.1 Controls small muscle movement
PD 3.2 Manipulates varied object
Child shows emerging proficiency on tasks requiring eye-hand coordination (draws pictures recognizable
to child but not others, cuts with scissors but may not cut all the way across a page).
IX.B.2. Child shows increasing control of tasks that require eye-hand coordination.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
PD 3.3 Exhibits hand-eye coordination
C. Personal Safety and Health Skills
IX.C.1. Child practices good habits of personal safety.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
PD 1.2 Comprehends and applies safety rules
IX.C.2. Child practices good habits of personal health and hygiene.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
PD 1.1 Practices daily self-care
IX.C.3. Child identifies good habits of nutrition and exercise.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
PD 1.3 Makes healthy food choices
PD 4.1 Actively participates
PD 4.2 Builds muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance
Technology Applications Domain
Technology and Device Services
X.A.1. Child opens and navigates through digital learning applications and programs.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 5.1 Explores technology
X.A.2. Child uses, operates, and names a variety of digital tools.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 5.1 Explores technology
PD 3.2 Manipulates varied objects
X.A.3. Child uses digital learning applications and programs to create digital products and express own ideas.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 5.1 Explores technology
AL 1.1 Uses imagination and creativity to create new ideas or extend understanding
X.A.4. Child uses technology to access appropriate information.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 5.1 Explores technology
SE 3.4 Initiates learning
AL 3.1 Demonstrates a desire to seek out information
X.A.5. Child practices safe behavior while using digital tools and resources.
Learning Box Preschool Standard: Ages 3-5
S 5.1 Explores technology
PD 1.2 Comprehends and applies safety rules