Helping Your Preschooler Understand COVID-19

With all the changes to your preschooler's daily lives due to COVID-19, they may be overwhelmed or confused by all the change. In addition, the constant media coverage and conversations surrounding the pandemic may be making your preschooler scared and worried about themselves, their friends, their teachers, and relatives. That is why it is extremely important to educate your preschooler to help put their minds at ease and teach them ways in which they can take control to prevent the spread of the virus.
How to Talk to Your Children About COVID-19
The most important thing to keep in mind while talking to your children about COVID-19 is that what you say needs to make them feel a sense of safety and comfort while being honest about the current situation. It is also paramount to teach them ways to stay safe and healthy by washing their hands, coughing into their shoulders, and following social distancing guidelines. Here are some guidelines about how a conversation about COVID-19 with your children should go:
Find Out How Much They Know
Before saying anything about the virus, it is important for you to gauge exactly what your children know about the virus. It is important to take note of exactly what they're worried about or any confusions they have- whether it is the abrupt canceling of preschool, staying at home all the time, not being able to see their friends and relatives or even fear about the virus they hear about every day. Asking them to draw out their thoughts can also be a great tool to find out exactly how your child is feeling.
Stay Honest and To the Point
Make sure to stay honest, especially when you are unsure too, and answer their questions in ways they can easily understand. Also, try to avoid telling your child more information than they are interested in. For example, if they have questions about school closing, simply address that question and provide them with the reassurance that life will eventually go back to normal.
Stay Calm, Positive and Reassuring
No matter how stressed you are yourself, make sure that your tone is calm and reassuring when talking to your children. It is important to remember that children react to what you say and how you say it- so if you yourself are feeling anxious about the virus, it is important to take some time to calm down before speaking to your children. Also, make sure to be as reassuring as possible- for example, if your children come across information about the growing death toll, make sure to reassure your child that very few kids get sick and by staying home and practicing social distancing, they're very unlikely to catch it. Phrases like "the adults are working very hard to get rid of the virus" could also be useful to dispel some of your children's fears. It is also important to focus on the positives- like all the extra quality time they get to spend with their family.
Teach Your Kids How to Stay Safe
Teaching your kids ways in which they can stay safe and healthy will not only keep them safe but help them feel a sense of control by giving them specific things they could do.
Washing Hands Is Extremely Important
Teach your kids how to wash their hands the right way. Make sure they wash their hands for at least 20 seconds (tell your child to wash their hands to their favorite song like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star")
Showing Your Child How to Cough and Sneeze
Make sure your child knows that when coughing or sneezing, they need to cough or sneeze into their arms.
Social Distancing
Explain social distancing to your preschooler by how it keeps their friends and relatives safe too. Also, emphasize how social distancing allows your children to spend more quality time with you.
Be A Role Model
Make sure that you are following guidelines on washing your hands, coughing and sneezing the right way, and following social distancing guidelines because you are your child's role model and your actions set an example for them
Learning Box is Here to Help with Routine
Help your preschooler return to routine by implementing at home preschool during COVID-19 using Learning Box Preschool. We offer affordable and timesaving high quality preschool curriculum kits monthly that are designed for children by qualified and experienced educators. The programs are tailor-made to make everyday activities fun and educational while being easy to use and affordable. Learning Box Preschool offers high-quality early education curriculum that caters to your children whether they are young preschoolers (ages 2-3) or Pre-K (ages 3-5). Together, we can make sure that the youngest generation's education and development are not compromised by COVID-19 and that they continue to thrive with a preschool routine. Shop our Boxes to learn more about our products and services and visit our blog for more helpful preschool tips.